Eye catching Peel and Stick Wallpaper for a Powder Room

Now, you’ve heard me talk about peel and stick paper before. I just want to point out that all walls are not created equal. If you have a texture to your wall or a specific sheen of paint on your existing wall, there are no guarantees that the paper will stick for any length of time. These papers were developed to be a temporary fix/design detail. They are not made to last for years, however some of them may. I would say the peel and stick world of wallpaper options is a trial and error choice still and longevity is really unknown because they just haven’t been around long enough yet. That said, if you’re wanting to try it out, the powder room is a fantastic place to do it! Why?

  • There’s no extra moisture like a full bath.

  • It’s small making it less work and less expensive.

  • You can go bold.

  • It’s a separate room from the rest of your home, perfect for making a statement without a huge commitment.

I’ve found some amazing choices that would look so good in a powder room! These are all peel and stick and under $50/roll.

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Not quite ready for bold? Go with a neutral pattern. You still get the same detail and interest, just not as much of a commitment. Neutral patterns are one of my favorite ways to wallpaper. It’s a subtle, yet interesting detail and if you’re like me and constantly want something new, changing your décor often, this is a great way to do wallpaper without committing.

Want something even more versatile? Use a faux grasscloth! This is one of my favorite looks. So classic, you can’t go wrong.

Have you used wallpaper in your powder bath recently? I want to see it! Leave me a comment. I’ll feature your room on my website!


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